SIR - I know that Mike Priestley is a good, family man, the way he writes about his next of kin, especially his grandson, Sam.

But I don't think he has thought this one out (T&A, September 2) when he says "Personally I like flawed people who enjoy a drink too many" and goes on to say "you don't get a steady ride with them, but you can get an interesting one".

Mike, so do the wives, partners and their children but it's a devastating, frightening one where women, occasionally men, are beaten to a pulp for no reason and the kids are cowering in their beds hoping it will stop.

But it doesn't go away, it repeats itself day after day.

I have worked in pubs and clubs and have had beer thrown over me, my shirt torn, been spat at, threatened to "get you outside" and some of my equipment smashed.

Why did I take it? Well for the most part people are decent, but as the night progresses they turn into a different person, fuelled by alcohol.

I have also worked in the most deprived areas of Bradford where people don't, or won't, work and spend most of their time in the pub, with serious consequences for their families.

At one time victims had no protection because it was a domestic', but thank goodness the law has been changed and there is help for the victims and their children.

Geoff Tasker, Park Road, Low Moor