SIR – In my younger days, I spent many a happy hour at Manningham Pool taking life saving certificates and training for my competitive swimming.

Despite these fond memories, I ask has the time come to accept that the pool has to close? I read in the T&A (July 20) that Bruce Barnes of the Manningham Baths Action Committee wants to set up a Friends of Manningham Pool Group and “thinks” that they can increase pool usage.

The question I ask is will this increase happen, and if so will it only last a short time, during which we, as ratepayers, are subsidising each swim to the tune of over £4 each?

If people did want to use the pool why haven't they already been using it?

Several business plans have apparently been put before the Council and it appears none were suitable/viable.

Bruce Barnes says the group “can provide long-term fundraising”, but after the many months that it has been known the pool was closing, what funding have they already raised?

I wonder how many people in Bradford would rather put the money saved by closing the Manningham Pool to other uses like helping the elderly or schools?

Sadly, in today’s financial climate, difficult decisions have to be made, then we must move on.

Chris Evans, Larch Drive, Bradford