SIR – In the continuing adverse criticism of Philip Davies, another politically-correct reader rounded on a supporter of the MP for referring to disability as a handicap and a leader for the disabled lumped them all together, ignoring the many and varied disabilities.

At 79, I am slightly disabled and I do consider myself handicapped, but, of course, I’m no longer in the labour market.

Disabled people are handicapped to varying degrees. Some – I hope the minority – are not employable, but I am sure the majority have talents that employers can benefit from.

Of the latter, there must be a small number who are of little use – and that is a sad fact of life. It is no good saying we are all equal, because we are not, but everyone who has something of value to offer should be treated fairly.

The very young do not feel discriminated against on their lesser minimum wage, which perhaps could be replaced by a productivity minimum rate.

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley