SIR – I was absolutely stunned after reading your front-page article about the number of missed hospital appointments (T&A, May 21).

According to the report, a jaw-dropping 53,916 appointments were missed at the BRI and St Luke’s hospitals in a 12-month period.

As someone who, over the past 20 years or so, has had innumerable hospital appointments without ever missing one, I was filled with anger at this totally unacceptable figure.

Do patients not realize their relationship with the hospital is a two-way agreement and they have both a duty and a responsibility to attend their allotted designation if at all possible?

It’s not just the Government or its employees who are custodians of the NHS, its the nation as a whole who are responsible in ensuring that this jewel in the country’s crown continues to shine.

Stuart Jessop, Marsland Place, Thornbury, Bradford