SIR – In your report about travellers occupying land at a Bradford park (T&A, April 22) you asked what readers think should be done to secure the park grounds. This question is, I fear, missing the major point.

The people of this region, and throughout the country, are sick and tired of the way in which travellers occupy land that is not theirs, often leaving it in a thoroughly disgusting state.

What has long been required is for this sort of unauthorised occupancy to be made a criminal offence, so that they could be moved on immediately by the police.

In addition, travellers should, on all occasions, be obliged to pay the full amount of any legal fees, repairs and cleaning-up costs for any sort of incursion.

Why should either the taxpayer or private landowners be out of pocket with these unwelcome and unwarranted invasions? It is totally unacceptable.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon