Bradford people are famous for a lot of things... but perhaps the one the district shouts about least is its generosity.

On many occasions in the past, the T&A has called upon readers to help raise money for a variety of good causes.

In 2004 you responded to the call to help out Bradford’s Toy Library, which helps children with disabilities and special needs by providing specialist toys and educational play equipment.

The Toy Library has survived since readers raised more than £40,000 to ensure its continued survival, but has once again hit rocky financial waters.

In these days of seemingly never-ending cuts, it is the small but vital services such as this which often find themselves without funding.

Thankfully, there are some big companies that have a social conscience, and Bradford’s Sovereign Health Care is one of them.

The company – which has donated several million pounds to health-related charities over the past few years – has stepped in to secure the Toy Library’s existence for another year.

This is wonderful news, and it is great that such an excellent and dedicated service can continue.

But it is such a shame that charities which change people’s lives for the better must be forced to live on such a hand-to-mouth basis.