SIR – The claimed news that the regeneration ‘vision’ will survive a recent loss of funding is no relief. In Bradford now, it’s only ever a ‘vision’, never likely to become reality.

Bradford does not need yet another nebulous ‘vision’, but rather a proper strategy, a total design for 20 years hence, during which time a number of co-ordinated developments can be orchestrated to transform the whole city into somewhere worth living again.

Only when that long-term strategy is in place will any viable private investment follow. Private companies need certainty but, with Bradford’s recent record, that’s one thing clearly absent, so no such investment will arrive.

The root-cause is that our current ‘city fathers’ look no further than their next election, preferring to sustain their own positions rather than enhance the whole city they purport to represent.

There’s certainly not enough cash still to be sucked from the suburbs to continue subsidising the randomly profligate whims of the centre, so they need to start thinking long and thinking big to provide the remaining residents, eventually, with the city they deserve.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon, Shipley