SIR – We are all subject to cutbacks by the Government, but has anyone thought of the savings that could be made if supermarkets were made to pull in their reins?

Recently, there have been proposals to stop sell-by/use-by dates, and this is a good thing.

Before refrigerators, granny used to smell the food and exercise vigilance over it – now it’s done for us and supermarkets cover themselves on food packaging. Food poisoning was no worse then than now.

Concerning three-for-the-price-of-two in supermarkets, this caters to large groups and the individual person gets pushed out. It’s impossible to buy small portions for one person. Supermarkets have a lot of customers who are on their own and push food to a degree which causes waste.

When a country/individual makes cutbacks, the first thing they look at is a food cut because this is the best way to save.

This country wants to watch the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves.

Come on, supermarkets, your behaviour is anti-social and greedy and in excess of need. Let’s get the snobbery out of food – this country can’t afford it.

Gloria De Clair, Peaseland, Westcliffe Road, Shipley