If ever there was a scenario ripe for the involvement of David Cameron’s much-heralded Big Society idea, the proposed closure of Bradford’s Manningham Baths would appear to be it.

Bradford Council plans to close the Pool as part of its £30m cuts package.

And a shadow also hangs over the future of the Rhodesway Pool, with users fearing it is also for the chop in the near future.

The Council has now offered both pools out to individuals and groups to put forward proposals to take over the running of them and keep them open.

On the face of it, this would seem to be exactly the sort of situation the Big Society concept should embrace.

Organisations that use the baths could theoretically band together and take over the day-to-day running of the pools.

Unfortunately, in practical terms, that is not as simple as it sounds.

Already, a member of the Mannigham Baths Action Group has dismissed the Council’s consultation exercise.

He says the group would be happy to work with the Council, raising funds to pay for renovation work, but believes the pool has to stay in Council ownership.

The Council, though, seems unlikely to change its mind and relent on keeping the pool open itself.

The reality is, the decision was a difficult one, but has been taken as part of the cuts package that has had to be undertaken.

And unless a benefactor with large pockets comes forward to fund a rescue package for one or both of these pools, it seems the Big Society alone will not be enough to save them.