SIR – The Government has “no clear plan” of action for tackling errors and fraud in the welfare system, MPs have warned. The Public Accounts Select Committee claimed officials had not got to grips with £1.3bn in under-payments, despite the hardship these cause.

The committee’s chairman, Labour MP Margaret Hodge, said: “People are not getting the money they are entitled to”. In other words, people who made a claim for benefit and were awarded the benefit were not paid the correct amount. The recipients, of course, are none the wiser as the believed they are being paid the correct amount of benefit.

It pays to have an independent check of the figures. Benefit Information Services offer such a service, free of charge. For your free check, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the address below. Suzanne Brennan, Benefit Information Services, PO Box 2040, Preston, PR5 9AL