SIR – Day trips aren’t what they used to be!

Recently I arranged to pick an elderly friend up from Bradford Interchange. I then drove to the T J Hughes shop, where I picked another friend up, as I was taking them both as a treat to Haworth.

When I drove from the station I did not see any signs to indicate that I should not use the road.

It used to be straight forward, but suddenly there is a sign indicating it’s a bus and taxi lane, which by the time you get to it gives you no chance to turn left or right.

This does not seem a sensible plan, unless of course it is a ploy by Bradford Council to extract money from people. The fine is £60, but if you pay immediately it is £30.

If you use the bus you may have a long wait in the cold. I waited an hour outside Tesco the other night from 10pm to 11pm hoping for a 607.

The only bus that turned up was a 697 at 11pm. At least the trains are frequent.

Mrs M Woods, Thornton Road, Bradford