SIR – In your editorial of 11 March, with reference to your front page story “That’s the way to do it” – about a plan to build 136 new homes on derelict land in Shipley – you have asked: “Why can’t they all do it?”

Developers provide housing and create jobs by investing large sums of money at great risk in unpredictable market conditions. They deserve to be commended and encouraged, not frowned upon.

Your Save Our Green Spaces campaign would have more credibility if you could also identify who would like to live in houses built on the more than 250 sites of derelict land referred to.

How many people seeking housing would like to live in already over-crowded and polluted areas? If there is a need and support for more green spaces, then why not turn the derelict land into green space? No doubt it would make the city more appealing and would help reduce inner-city pollution.

More suitable and adequate housing is essential for Bradford’s progress. Wishing to preserve existing green spaces is understandable, but unfortunately they do not provide much-needed economic progress. It would be far better to turn already derelict land into green space instead.

Paul Martindale, Sharp Street, Bradford