SIR – David Haigh comments (T&A, January 20) that part of the solution to alcohol misuse may come from separate checkouts in supermarkets.

Unfortunately, we know this would have the opposite effect. Morrisons has 12 stores where alcohol is sold from a separate area. These stores, in fact, sell more alcohol than when the range is placed in the aisles – about four per cent more.

What we do know, however, is that customers prefer to be able to buy all of their shopping at the same time – after all, convenience is one of the main reasons given for shopping in a supermarket.

We agree with Hilary McMullen (planning manager for alcohol treatment services, NHS Bradford and Airedale) that pricing is only part of the solution.

The change in the law now gives the Government a guaranteed lever that if it chooses to raise prices, it knows that it must be passed on by the retailer, with the additional revenue going to the public purse.

In the meantime, those licensed to sell alcohol, the police and health officials need to explore other ways of tackling health harms and antisocial behaviour caused by a small minority of the population, but affecting many more.

Richard Taylor, director of corporate affairs and communications, WM Morrison Supermarkets plc