SIR – Re Andrew Love’s response to my letter on lifting the smoking ban in pubs (Letters, January 20).

Andrew should be aware that about 106,000 people die in the UK of smoking-related disease every year, and half of all smokers die of smoking-related disease.

I can remember when smoking was permitted on buses and at work, where non-smokers had to put up with breathing second-hand smoke as well as their clothing smelling vile. There are serious health risks with passive smoking – the loss of Roy Castle is one example.

I believe there are many ways for people to enjoy themselves without resorting to smoking.

While I might be anti-smoking, you really should meet those who have given up the fags. They can taste the food they eat, enjoy the outdoors and fresh air and are much fitter. They are really “enjoying” themselves.

I am glad to read that Andrew is trying to keep two alcohol-free days a week – well done.

By the way, I do enjoy the occasional pint and have been known to go to a pub. I am also a member of CAMRA (that might surprise Mr Rhodes).

Arthur Normington, Manor Drive, Cottingley, Bingley