SIR – Mr Halliday’s letter (T&A, January 14) is a timely reminder about the dreadful state of the Carnegie Library building in Windhill.

As it happens, I was speaking to Council officers the day before about a number of things, including the library.

The owners have twice been granted planning permission to convert it into flats, but the first permission has lapsed and the second may be about to do so.

What is clear is that ownership of a building confers responsibility to keep it in a reasonable state and not allow it to become the eyesore that it currently is.

For whatever reason, the present owners are not living up to their responsibilities, and this building, on a prominent site, is deteriorating.

I will continue to press the Council to do what ever it can to resolve the situation so that this building becomes an asset to the area.

Councillor John Watmough (Lib Dem, Windhill & Wrose), City Hall