SIR – I am attempting to start some form of campaign to find out exactly what is happening with the destruction of Bradford and the shambolic way in which “redevelopment” is taking place.

I have been in communication with my MP, Mr David Ward, for over two months now and he seems to be either unwilling or unable to answer simple questions. I now read that the Urban Garden is to close on a temporary basis (T&A, January 12). Does anyone actually know what is going on in Bradford?

Bradford city centre is nigh on derelict. Shop owners that remain have my 100 per cent support and admiration, but how long can they survive?

On the same day, I saw that the Council propose to close 20 per cent of their offices as a cost cutting exercise. There appeared to be an implication from Councillor Hawksworth that they require maintenance or are not up to 21st-century standards.

Does this mean they will stand empty or be pulled down – yet more to be proud of in our failing city, a city rich in heritage that was the centre of the wool world and one that I am proud to be associated with.

Why is no-one willing to tell the residents of Bradford what is happening and why there has been such an abject failure on the part of all politicians to do something about it?

Nick Harrison, Pendragon Lane, Bolton Junction, Bradford