SIR – I suspect that the game currently being played between the travelling fraternity, Bradford Council and numerous other opponents might well have been going on for 25 years.

It was certainly in progress 22 years ago, because in a book written by the T&A’s Jim Greenhalf – which I’m currently re-reading – Jim states that as far back as 1988, itinerants were parking their caravans all over Bradford and leaving one hell of a mess.

So, when cost cutting time comes around, councillors should not forget that somewhere in the bowels of City Hall there’s a department that’s not fit for purpose.

Still, as frustrating as the subject is, I don’t want to end on a sour note. In the words of Monty Python, we should always look on the bright side of life!

So saying, we must not forget that Bradford can claim another first – it’s the venue of the world’s longest running game of musical chairs. Roll up, roll up...

David Oyston, Rylands Avenue, Gilstead, Bingley