SIR – I understand that Pakistan and Egypt have promoted, on behalf of the 57 countries belonging to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, a resolution to be tabled at the United Nations. This is entitled The Defamation of Religious Resolution and I have to say seems to give great cause for concern.

This resolution gives governments the power to determine which religious views can be expressed in their country, and gives the right to punish those who express “unacceptable” views as they see fit. It would therefore make persecution legal.

This is already a problem for Christians in certain parts of the world, and the United Nations should be looking at how all such persecution can be eradicated, rather than legalising these uncivilised practices.

One hopes that the United Nations will give short shrift to such a resolution, otherwise what sort of message will this send out? It should have no place in a civilised world.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon, Shipley