SIR – In the current political climate of cutting costs and saving money, the front page headline “Council buildings could be sold off in bid to save millions (T&A, August 6), would, on the face of it, seem to make some sort of sense. However, this is only if you take the matter in isolation. When the current Bradford Council was formed in the 1970s, and it took in the surrounding areas, the assets of those areas went to the corporation too (without any payment).

These had been created over many years and were, in effect, passed over to be held in ‘trust’, as the previous councils had done. So much for trust.

It would seem our current (and previous) politicians cannot be trusted with any asset, as it would seem to slip through their fingers, and then disappear.

I say disappear, as the original asset was tangible. When they sell it, the asset seems to vanish, having been spent on some transitory item.

A good example is the airport. Where has the money gone, and what can we tangibly see for it? Nothing.

I despair at their lack of nous and acumen, and look to the future without much hope of improvement.

A G Goldsbrough, Leeds Road, Ilkley