SIR – Returning from my morning trip to collect my T&A – having exchanged a cheery “good morning” with Waseem, the neighbourhood paper-boy (being a Yorkshireman and a pensioner, it’s cheaper to keep active) – a thought occurred to me.

Current concern about the proposed English Defence League demonstration in Bradford later this month – and the T&A’s “Back the Ban” campaign, which is showing commendable support – is encouraging.

But what if it is allowed to proceed on the grounds of “freedom of speech?” May I suggest a peaceful counter-protest, one inspired by my cheery meeting with Waseem this morning, and one that should leave the EDL in no doubt that Bradford does not welcome their presence.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a mass choir of all denominations greeted the EDL, with demonstrators presenting a rousing rendition of Ilka Moor Baht ’at in as strong a Yorkshire accent as possible, to emphasis a local show of solidarity?

If it rained, the “Tha’s bahn to catch thy deeath o’ cowd” verse would be most appropriate.

Furthermore, I reckon as we are known as “The City of Film”, the inspiration for a screenplay opportunity could certainly offer itself, wouldn’t you agree?

Keith Sivyer, Dalecroft Rise, Allerton