SIR – The following myths to justify the policy of the Government Coalition are repeated ad nauseam by Tory and Lib Dem MPs:

* There is no alternative to address the budget deficit. A Labour Government would have had to carry out the same cuts.

* The cuts are fair and hard for all sections of society, ie “We’re all in this together”.

Labour completely opposes the coalition budget for these reasons:

* The timing of the cuts is wrong. No cuts should take place in 2010, or the economy is endangered.

* Next year, the deficit should be reduced more slowly. It should be reduced by tax rises on wealthiest and reducing non-payment by tax avoiders as well as spending cuts.

* The budget is grossly unfair on the poorest, for example families with children in Northern cities like Bradford who will be hit by VAT rises while child tax credits are frozen.

Even the Tory-dominated House of Commons Finance Committee reported that the economy was at risk from the severity of Government cutbacks.

It also said the effect on household budgets was likely to be felt most by the poorest. However, the worst result is likely to be the sharp rise in local unemployment.

Bob Holland, Skipton Road, Cononley, Keighley