A new plan aimed at reducing the high number of babies dying in their first year in the Bradford district is a step forward.

Addressing the fact that this area’s infant mortality rate is significantly greater than the national average should be high on the agendas of politicians both locally and nationally.

To find such stark evidence of inequality in this country in this day and age is simply unacceptable and until the situation changes for the better, there must be no let up in efforts to bring the rate down.

But it must also be remembered that this is not just a problem for the authorities to tackle.

One key area mentioned in the report – smoking and alcohol or substance misuse – surely comes down to the individual at the end of the day and people must accept they have their part to play.

Another key area – increasing awareness of the possible impact of genetic inheritance – is something that would allow people to make more informed choices.

Dr Shirley Brierley, public health consultant at NHS Bradford and Airedale, puts it well when she said that reducing infant mortality is everyone’s business.

It is to be hoped that this new plan will get more people involved in doing just that.