SIR – My initial response to the English Defence League’s proposed march in Bradford was to treat it as publicity seeking that warranted no more public attention than a substantial police presence marching the motley crew off to an obscure corner of Bradford and then seeing them off the premises.

The Unite union’s petition and the T&A’s campaign have given the EDL the publicity they craved and a Home Office ban now seems the more likely.

But such a ban won’t extend to the ‘multicultural celebration’ that Bradford Unite Against Fascism is planning on the same day, at the same time.

So it looks like the tired ideological battles are going to be fought out on our streets again, prolonging the after effects of ten years ago.

Ban or no ban, let’s stay at home, and show the EDL empty streets, shuttered shops and pubs and some tough policing… and have that party the following day!

Bruce Barnes, Wilmer Road, Heaton, Bradford