SIR – The T&A (June 7) reported the protest in Bradford against the killing of about 12 “activists” by Israeli troops. I must have been asleep when the demonstration against the massacre of more than 70 Pakistani Ahmadiyyas took place.

Someone may say the Israel-Palestine conflict concerns us because Israel is closely linked with the West, but surely our links with Pakistan, especially in Bradford, are even stronger.

Bishop David James joins a long line of well-meaning clerics who have been manipulated by totalitarian groups, going back to the 1930s.

I use the word totalitarian advisedly. The Turkish group IHH, which backed this flotilla, has a totalitarian Islamic agenda, as has the regime in Gaza (Hamas). They achieved their aim: more bad publicity for Israel.

Would someone please tell me what possible benefit could Israel derive from killing activists on a foreign ship, unless in self-defence? I grant Israel has made many mistakes over the issue of Gaza, but the Israelis are, so far as I know, not fools.

“Stop the Killing” said the placards. I agree. Stop the killings in Pakistan, Gaza, Israel, Sudan, Iraq, India and Indonesia.

A Michael Murphy, Baildon Wood Court, Baildon