SIR – I notice lately how people are eager to show their allegiance to England by flying the Standard of St George.

Why do they choose now to do so? Why have they not been proud to fly a flag in support of our troops in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan?

Why are they only interested in flying a flag in support of English multi-millionaires who are going to South Africa to kick, trip, push, pull, spit, swear, dive and cheat their way to even more riches?

What an insult to our country and its troops.

Show your support for those who are risking life and limb for the flag, not those who only want your support for their own ends.

If they return home without the World Cup (again), it will be only their pride that is hurt. They will have lost neither life nor limb, just a game of football.

Keith Rayner, Laburnum Drive, Baildon