SIR – Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics reveal that on average, men and women now aged 65 can expect to live until 82 and 85, respectively.

However, the figures also show that of those extra years, men can expect to live a little more than seven years with a long-standing illness or disability and women more than nine years.

While our increased life expectancy is cause for celebration, we must ensure that people in later life remain healthy for as long as possible to enable us all to make the most of our extra years.

Research Into Ageing, the biomedical research arm of Age Concern and Help the Aged, carries out research into the causes, prevention and treatment of diseases and disabilities that are more common with age.

The charity funds research into a range of things from incontinence to dementia to nutrition. For more information, or to support Research Into Ageing, please visit, or call 0207 2391984.

Professor James Goodwin, on behalf of Age Concern and Help the Aged