SIR – Re Councillor Colin McPhee’s letter (T&A, March 23) alleging Councillor David Ward of misinterpreting the decision on the demolition of the Odeon and attempting to score points in forthcoming elections.

He is right that the decision to demolish the Odeon was indeed taken by the planning executive committee.

However, he failed to mention that at a full council meeting a week later, Coun Ward was to propose that the decision taken by the executive should not be ratified, and this was guillotined by the whip vote of Labour members.

I know because I was in the public gallery, and as a member of Bradford Odeon Rescue Group, I can’t recollect the aforesaid councillor previously stating any support for the retention of it.

May I respectfully suggest that Coun McPhee is the one who is out to score political points on this occasion. Could it be that he has aspiration to become the leader of his group on the demise of Councillor Kris Hopkins who is currently seeking status as a member of parliament for Keighley?

I just hope that the electorate of that township will remember his track record.

George Bastow, Common Road, Low Moor, Bradford