SIR I wonder if Mr Hartley (Letters, May 17) attended the event at Sunbridge Road on Saturday night? I did. I accompanied my 17-year-old daughter as her friends were unable to go with her.

The music was rock and pleased the young who attended. The message was Christian and delivered with conviction.

From the outset the young people were urged to think about the words they were singing. They were also urged to stand up and be counted as followers of Christ as they sat on the floor halfway through the evening listening to words from the Bible. They were happy to be able to use the music they enjoyed to express themselves.

I would hope that older people such as myself ( I am now enjoying retirement) can be generous enough to allow these young Christians to worship from time to time in a way which suits them.

It was interesting the following morning when I attended worship in my own church that I sang the same words in two of the hymns that I had "rocked" to on Saturday.

Joan Batty, Briggs Villas, Queensbury