SIR – May I refer to the letter ‘Why I demonstrated’ from Karl Dallas (T&A, November 12).

Mr Dallas is spot-on when he goes on to point out that our Government’s interference in the Middle East is not helping.

I totally agree there is only one problem – Gordon Brown, like Tony Blair, has some strange idea that the terrorists can be totally eradicated at the source.

The Russians assumed such in the 1980s when they had a go at capturing Bin Laden. It failed hands down. The Americans nor the British have not learned any lessons from this. Nor have they any clue about Middle Eastern strategies or way of life, hence it was pure stupidity from the start to have invaded Iraq.

Gordon Brown, by staying put in Afghanistan, has not learned any lessons from this either. Sadly, it’s our lads who are dying for the sake of some pointless, unwinnable war, not the clueless pen-pushing politicians who started it in the first place.

R Halliday, Crag Road, Shipley