SIR – Do you remember how our Council was bullied into reducing the targets of the original Serco Education contract a few years ago? And then recently bullied by English Heritage and Yorkshire Forward into proposing the demolition of the Odeon?

Now it seems that while the small but successful 5rise project in Bingley can forge ahead, and Wakefield has resurrected its moribund shopping scheme, now due to open in 2011, Bradford is still being held to ransom by Westfield. Loopholes and weaknesses in contracts over the years have left the citizens of this city with a legacy of failure they could well do without.

Meanwhile, the Council, with a ‘fur coat and no knickers’ policy, spends millions on the city park while allowing our once-excellent museums and art galleries to slowly deteriorate.

Although we have many more paid executives to run affairs than ever before, our councillors cost this city £1.75 million in expenses, many of them claiming considerably more than the average Bradford worker earns.

And do we really need 90 councillors, three to each ward?

It’s happened at Westminster; perhaps it’s about time to have a good look at expenses here?

Gordon Dean, Long Lane, Harden