SIR – I am writing in support of Janette England’s letter of October 29 about the stone setts in Yeadon Town Hall Square.

At a meeting about the proposed “improvements” to Yeadon, I argued with the engineer about the proposal to remove the setts and create a garden. I pointed out that the area was shaded by the Town Hall for most of the day and also known to be one of the coldest, draughtiest places in Yeadon.

The setts in Yeadon are distinctive and over 100 years old. During a recent holiday in the Scottish Borders, I noted that Kelso still has the whole of the town centre paved with setts with no detriment to the area.

The “improvements” to Yeadon have disrupted the High Street for far too long and have made daily life difficult. They have also removed many useful parking spaces. I wonder how many people consider them a benefit?

Philip Mitchell, Rufford Avenue, Yeadon