SIR – Following the well-documented expenses scandal, no doubt millions of voters can’t wait for the general election. But as the festive season approaches “look out – they’re behind you!”

Yes folks, the main political parties are already rehearsing their new lines to ensure continuity of their combined lucrative parliamentary pantomime for yet another long season.

Trusting voters will again be beguiled by glittering promises from their principals, with choruses by their supporting cast affirming a happy ending (every panto has its comedians, you know).

Predictably, everything evaporates like a disappearing genie once the waving ‘Prince Charmings’ are comfortably re-seated on their exclusive golden gravy train, having convincingly acted out their parts once again, wondering “proper job? Er, what’s a proper job?” Will we ever learn?

We’ve listened to mind-numbing fairy tales from ‘Baron Hard-up’, delivering his proclamation to bale out other ‘snouts-in-the-trough’ institutions (perhaps institutions are where they really should be?), all funded by the taxpayer of course!

You may gather that, currently, politicians are not on my Christmas card list – though if I could fiddle expenses for several gross, perhaps I might send one or two… Keith Sivyer, Dale Croft Rise, Allerton