SIR – The Government has put forward proposals which will change the way council business is conducted.

They have put forward two models which the Council must consider and adopt one by December 31.

One proposal concerns an elected leader, the other an elected mayor, with the latter option being the one which would, in my opinion, rid Bradford of the malaise currently occupying City Hall.

However, all the city fathers have stated their objection to the appointment of a mayor, which is not surprising as they will lose most, if not all, of the power they currently misuse.

What I really find sinister, if not down right undemocratic, however, is the fact that the Council say “we are consulting, and will take your views into account when we decide which option to choose”.

Surely it should be a vote situation whereby if a majority say they want an elected mayor, then so be it, not a case where our elected councillors do their own thing, as usual, against the wishes of the electorate who put them into power in the first place.

E Mills, Wrose Mount, Wrose