SIR – Patricia Ellis (Letters, October 23) makes interesting points over the Odeon decision taken by the majority of the regulatory and appeals committee. At the last full Council meeting, we Lib-Dems invited all councillors to state that they didn’t back the decision to demolish and replace the Odeon.

The Conservatives counter-proposed that the committee should be commended for a “professional approach”, “strictly following procedures”.

The Labour Group could not have been more in favour if whipped, but one or two Tories voted against, as did the Lib-Dems, (and the Greens from memory).

The committee “followed procedures”, but only while it had a gun to its collective head!

As Ms Ellis and other correspondents have noted, the committee had reportedly been “backed into a corner” when someone at English Heritage withdrew backing to retain (part of) the building.

I believe that the decision should be called-in or reviewed by the relevant Government department and, if possible, reconsidered without any undue outside pressure.

Meanwhile, the building should be tidied up and all the rubbish, partitions etc removed from the inside. Let’s see what it really looks like!

Councillor John Hall (Lib-Dem, Windhill and Wrose), Pennithorne Avenue, Shipley