SIR – Yesterday marked the halfway point between the August and Christmas bank holidays.

We would like this four month gap to be broken with a new Community Day bank holiday in late October.

Over the last two years, the recession has hit communities across the UK. When times are tough, people look to friends, families and their local community for support.

Community spirit is a long-standing and unsung British tradition. Millions of people across the UK volunteer and take part in community activities every week.

Surveys show that volunteering contributes significantly to the UK economy, boosts people’s well-being, prevents isolation and makes them happy too.

We believe these efforts should be recognised, encouraged and celebrated. 2012 marks the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the London Olympics and Paralympics – events only possible thanks to volunteers. This would be the perfect year to introduce a new Community Day Bank Holiday.

Brendan Barber, TUC general secretary