SIR – RE Nick Griffin on Question Time. First and foremost, sadly, the BBC and the political elite are, in my opinion, one and the same.

They have the belief we the public need to be spoon-fed an opinion rather than being allowed to form our own. How the programme could have possibly ever been more biased, I have no idea.

We’re so used, as a country, to political to-ing and fro-ing with them all doing what they are absolutely fantastic at, which is dodging the subject, one says black the other says white, or more to the truth they argue about which shade of grey it is!

The truth is we have huge problems in this country with a miriad of things – our identity, our EU referendum, debt, drink, education, immigration, jobs, pension deficits, ASBOs etc.

The more Nick Griffin types we can have on Question Time or in politics, who by their very nature spark real proper debate about issues which affect real people in their everyday lives, the better in my opinion.

Nobody says we have to agree with them. Shame on the BBC for their lack of impartiality.

Paul Barlow, Fernbank Drive, Baildon, Shipley