SIR – We have recently witnessed the almighty furore over the decision by the BBC to invite the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, on to its Question Time TV programme.

Personally, I agree with the Corporation’s decision. No matter how insidious the ideals of the BNP, it has to be remembered that they have two seats in the European Parliament, giving them legitimate grounds to appear on the programme.

During this frantic time, a TV pundit made a valid comment about not blaming the BBC, but the voters who gave this party political credibility.

In a few days’ time, we will be remembering the dead of two world wars and recent conflicts. The root cause of the Second World War was the aspirations of a demagog whose sole intent was to rule a world full of healthy, blonde aryans – anyone not fitting that image were either exterminated or treated as second class citizens.

We must learn from history and never again allow preachers of either racial or religious division to achieve their ambition.

Stuart Jessop, Marsland Place, Thornbury, Bradford