SIR – I want to draw your attention to Battle Of Britain Week. I had cause to complain to Bradford Council that the RAF ensign was not flying. This was the third time that I have had to complain.

On the previous occasions the Council did put up the flag, though late, this time nothing and no apology.

I ask myself, did those lads of The Few die in vain? But for them we would all be doing the Nazi version of The Lambeth Walk and the swastika would be flying over City Hall! The trouble is our councillors are young and not of an age to remember 1940, but again what of RAFA and the British Legion? Did they not remind the Council? It’s too easy to forget, but it’s dangerous to forget. Look what happened in 1939. That was helped by forgetting 1914-18, and look what complacency did with America, it led to Pearl Harbour.

If we forget too much, another world war could be round the corner.

Colin McLean, Kensington Road, Girlington