SIR – What a sad day for England to see that Ireland has finally submitted to the Euro thumbscrews.

Ireland’s history is chequered with troubles and hardships. The Irish people, though, are a proud and hardy breed, and it is sad to see them clutching at straws over their failing economy.

The only hope now for an England as we know it is that the Czech Republic sticks by its guns and tells the Brussels ‘bully boys’ where to get off. What the stuff of nightmares is that when this European super state comes into being, our old pal Tony Blair is tipped to become the new Fuhrer of said state.

If you think things have been tough and times are hard, just wait until this new “super state” gets flowing.

In the words of ex-President Clinton – you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw