SIR – At long last, a local MP, Gerry Sutcliffe (T&A, September 8), who is willing to raise his head above the parapet and say what many others have been crying out for for some considerable time.

That is for Bradford Council to reconsider its plans for the (supposed) regeneration of the city centre and look again at what is best for that area and the city and, hopefully, take account of what the residents actually want.

Mention was made of reviewing the case for a cross-city rail link. In my view, the £24 million about to be spent on the City Park would be far better utilised on that project, with much more benefit ensuing.

I also believe that most people want to see the Odeon building refurbished and extended to include, among other things, a concert venue.

Now is the time to look again at all such projects, but this time with a proper listening agenda. Has the current executive of our Council got it in them to do so for the good of Bradford as a whole?

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon, Shipley