SIR – I am disturbed to find that Asda wants to build a new supermarket on Cemetery Road on the old MFI site. I live 200 yards away.

If Bradford Council allows this to go ahead, it will show a disregard for the residents who live on or adjacent to Cemetery Road.

There is no way the road could cope with the increased traffic.

Asda proposes more than 400 car-parking spaces. This would equate to around an extra 1,000 to 1,800 cars per day, along with extra delivery trucks.

Cemetery Road is an emergency vehicle route, with the main ambulance depot situated within 500 yards. They already have difficulty negotiating daily traffic jams.

Also, a new set of traffic lights would be placed at the entrance to the supermarket car park, about 200 feet from lights at the junction with Duncombe Road and Farmers Boy.

This would cause even more queuing and danger for pedestrians.

Asda will say it is creating jobs. This is a well-used method to get developments approved, but is that a price worth paying?

This development would not be environmentally-friendly when you factor in the extra cars using fuel but not moving.

Ian Lee, Rosetta Drive, Bradford