SIR – I understand the frustration caused by the Council’s neglect of Baildon Library (Letters, September 3).

We in Bradford Moor have experienced similar problems regarding the condition of Laisterdike Library, and the situation is replicated across the district because of the failure to provide basic maintenance and repairs.

This situation prompted me to take a motion to the Council last year calling for resources to be set aside to address the repairs backlog at all branch libraries so that every community could benefit from decent library facilities.

The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats once again joined forces to vote my proposals down, leaving no alternative but to spend a significant proportion of our small share of the airport receipts in order to save the library from closure by the back door.

I am very unhappy about allocating this windfall cash to support what should be bread-and-butter Council services, but the library is too important to let rot. Perhaps local councillors in Baildon could be persuaded to take the same approach?

Councillor Mohammed Shafiq (Labour, Bradford Moor), Wensleydale Road, Bradford