Bradford does not have a particularly good record when it comes to motoring offences.

The fact that a number of areas in the district are among the worst in the country with regard to uninsured motorists has been well documented.

And the area has a reputation, not least among those who live here, for red-light running and general bad driving.

Any effort to tame those who misuse our highways is, then, to be welcomed.

In the past few weeks there has been a spate of activity in this direction, which has seen a number of vehicles taken off the roads for a variety of reasons and action against drivers.

Now poor parkers are in the spotlight with a blitz set to sweep across the district in six weeks’ time.

The move coincides with the Council taking over responsibility for parking from the police.

At first glance, illegal parking may not seem such a serious offence, especially compared to some of those mentioned above.

However, people who leave their vehicles where they like, regardless of restrictions, can put the safety of others at risk – be they pedestrians forced into roads, children whose views are blocked or other drivers suddenly confronted with a parked car in a dangerous position.

Restrictions are also put in place to help areas thrive – by allowing a steady stream of new customers to park, shop and then move on, for example.

Anyone staying illegally all day prevents that happening. There can be no sympathy, then, for anyone who gets ticketed – after all, they have been given ample warning.