SIR – I am writing to let people in the local area know that we have set May 15 as the date for this year’s Fruity Friday.

Held by World Cancer Research Fund, the aim of Fruity Friday is to get across the message about the importance of a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables in a fun way, and at the same time raising valuable funds for our cancer prevention research and education programmes.

This year’s Fruity Friday campaign is expected to be the biggest ever, with our brand-new Go Bananas On Fruity Friday campaign. We are encouraging schools and companies to have a dress-down day and wear yellow for Fruity Friday and make a donation to WCRF.

To find out more about Fruity Friday, or how to organise your own Go Bananas On Fruity Friday fundraising event, go to

Readers can also request or download a fundraising pack, order essential yellow Go Bananas items from our Fruity Shop, and sign up to our e-newsletter for fundraising ideas and regular updates about the campaign. Alternatively, call 020 73434205 for more information.

Natalie Tarrant, events manager, World Cancer Research Fund, 19 Harley Street, London W1G 9QJ