SIR – I was interested to read (T&A, February 4) about the efforts Leeds Bradford Airport is making to recycle.

Of course, if we are to save the planet for future generations we’ll have to recycle practically everything, but I think the ‘elephant in the room’ was hardly touched upon – ie, air transport itself.

Except for specific necessities (not holidays), it is unsustainable environmentally. To stop people using aircraft more and more, a whacking great tax is needed on air fuel.

Any measures to save cardboard, etc, in the airport are just playing around with the real problem. The bigger issues are not being addressed and people will only change their habits if there is a big economic cost to behaving as they do now.

Look at the increasing keenness to save items from going to landfill because the Government has made throwing things away more expensive.

David Somerville, Lilycroft Road, Bradford