SIR – The neo-Labour Party have once again showed their disdain for democracy rejecting the European Union (Transparency) Bill that would have required them to be more open about new laws and the extent to which laws brought before Parliament are a result of EU decisions.

This Bill would have been particularly relevant now as the British Chamber of Commerce has estimated that legislation sourced in the EU has placed a £47 billion burden on British business – something we do not need, especially in these time of economic uncertainly.

I’d like to do my bit for transparency and advise Bradford’s voters that MP’s Gerry Sutcliffe and Marsha Singh voted against transparency.

Ann Cryer once again proved her credentials as she was one of only six Labour MPs who dared defy the whip; she was joined, of course, by our other decent MP, Philip Davies, in supporting Parliament transparency.

The undemocratic Labour Party won the vote, effectively shielding from public gaze information about how and by whom we are governed. It is hardly surprising they would want to keep the truth from the people that 80 per cent of our laws are made by a foreign government.

Jason Smith (UK Independence Party Bradford chairman), Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury