SIR – What a low opinion K Woodcock has of Tory and Labour Councillors and what a warped view of democracy (Letters, December 8).

“You only get democracy with a two-party system”. Which two parties would K Woodcock allow us? Greens and BNP? Scots and Welsh Nats? Lib Dems and Tory? Is “democracy” being able to vote for what you want, or a choice between Tweedledum and Tweedledee?

A veneer of respectability might be given to a winning party where only two exist and one has over 50 per cent of the vote, but the populace know that they are not truly representative, even among those who vote.

Wedded as I am to liberal democracy and the Liberal Democrats, I couldn’t advocate going back to a system where the only choice was between Liberals and Tories!

“The Liberal Democrats can swing any vote they wish their own way”. As a Lib Dem Councillor, I’d like him to explain how.

Are Tories or Labour worth voting for if they give up their principles so readily? For all their very many faults, these parties do, Councillor John Hall (Lib Dem, Windhill & Wrose), Pennithorne Avenue, Shipley