SIR – I read with interest the article by Will Kilner (T&A, December 2).

It would now appear that the Odeon building is unlikely to be converted into a concert hall and yet that the Theatres’ Trust recognised that its community and/or cultural use is important enough for it to be renovated in preference to demolition.

Strangely enough, I had written to Maud Marshall in 2003 and to the T&A’s letters page suggesting in the latter part of my letters that a Heritage Centre could be a fine asset to our city and could trumpet Bradford’s illustrious past, present and future. Her response agreed that “whether or not the use you suggest comes to fruition at that location or not, it is an exciting proposition.”

Since then… a deafening silence. If this suggestion or something similar was able to be seriously considered then Bradford’s West End would have another wonderful city centre asset attracting visitors and standing proudly alongside our famous Alhambra.

Noeline Kelly, St Abbs Walk, Bradford 6