SIR – It is sad that Mike Priestley will be leaving the T&A shortly, taking retirement after many years as an adroit reporter and columnist.

Mike’s columns over the years have always been interesting, honest and often humorous and he’s never been afraid to stick his neck out over important issues, where lesser reporters fear to tread.

The Saturday Walk With Priestley will be greatly missed too. Over the years I have tried some of these walks and they are all of great interest and variety.

Some time ago, I was asked to lead a party of disadvantaged people on a walk, so I chose the Shelf Waterfalls Walk.

At the start of the walk in Woodside, I chose a particularly difficult and muddy ascent up the steep incline to see if the party could pull together as a team.

On reaching the top the ladies were baying for my blood, the rest of the walk presented no difficulties until we reached the second and more spectacular waterfall.

Here a fast-flowing stream at the top of the waterfall had to be negotiated. By assisting each other we reached the vehicles in Woodside safely and the party were thrilled to bits on achieving something they never thought they could do.

So I, and no doubt many others, wish Mr Priestley a very happy and well-earned retirement.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw