SIR – Re: “A team effort”, (T&A, July 15), from Labour’s next lamb to the slaughter in Shipley when parliamentry elections are called.

Fact: Lib-Dems persuaded Tories to remove Wrose Library from a closure list. Labour think their petition to the Tories did it and accuse me of point scoring, but my aim and account are true.

Question: Why shouldn’t Lib-Dems “hold the balance of power” as front-seat co-driver with Tories and Labour in a balanced Council? How dare a minority Labour Party demand total control on only 30 per cent of the vote as “it was their turn”?

For decades many traditionally voted negatively (anti-Labour/ Tory). This mindset still prevails in general elections, but with sizeable minorities now loyal to the Lib-Dems and Greens and other chunks voting UKIP, BNP etc. Given Labour’s unpopularity nationally and locally, their prospective parliamentary candidate for Shipley has no prospects at all! “Labour voters” will vote Tory!

Councillor John Hall, (Lib-Dem, Windhill and Wrose), Pennithorne Avenue, Shipley